Can Prince Fielder Exceed 09 Numbers?

Prince Fielder had one special season last year, but the question is can he do better. Fielder turned 25 in May on the way to batting a career-best .299 with 46 home runs. He set franchise records with 141 RBIs and 110 walks. His on base percentage was very high as well.  Asking Prince Fielder to succeed these kind of numbers will be tough. One of he biggest factors will be the people in front of Fielder and behind him in the Brewers lineup.

The Brewers will need to put guys in front of him and behind him that are hitting the ball well. This limits pitchers and what they can do. If the Brewers hitters struggle than look for Fielder to walk a lot as they will just try to pitch around him. The one good thing about Prince Fielder he does not mind taking a walk. Putting Ryan Braun and Casey McGehee in front of him and behind him is probably the best scenario the Brewers have right now. If those two can hit like last year Fielder could have another MVP type season.  Unless Fielder gets some help from others in the lineup look for Fielder’s walks to keep rising as pitchers try to avoid him.
