With Spring Training just a few weeks away, all of us at Fansided have decided to put aside our differences and work together. That’s right, for the next few weeks I will be working with DIE-HARD Cubs, Cardinals, Reds, Pirates, and Astros fans. Our goal, to put together what we think is the best possible team out of the players in our division.
Some of you might be thinking, “That is pretty lame Lou, isn’t this just glorified fantasy baseball?”. To you I say, yes it is if you want to be a jerk about it. But you didn’t let me finish. Every other blog site in the Fansided Milky Way, will be compiling their all division team Then, in true old school fashion, these all-division teams will fight to the death. The last division to not be brutally murdered, will be crowned the 2011 Fansided Divisional Mortal Kombat Champion.
Translation of above’s nonsense:
The goal is to create a position by position All-Star team made up entirely of players from the NL Central. The six websites (Reviewing the Brew, Cubbies Crib, Blog Red Machine, Climbing Tal’s Hill , Rum Bunter, and Redbird Rants) will go through each position to determine the division’s best. If a decision can not be reached between the six of us then we will open it up to you, the readers. When the roster is complete it will square off in a fan vote (which I expect us to win)against the other National League All-Star teams. The project will ultimately conclude with an All-Star “World Series” to see which division can put together the best roster.
I will make sure that we keep you up to date on our progress and point you to any polls that could determine a roster spot. Now, I do not have to put in my vote until the 7th. If you have some ideas I would love to hear them in the comments section. Tell me which Brewers you think should make the list, heck just give me your All NL Central Team. Your voice might help influence my vote. I am very easily swayed, my nickname was ‘peer pressure’ in High School.
This is a great chance to have some fun with our most bitter rivals (Cubs and Cardinals). I hope that you are all as excited about this as I am. Looking forward to what you all have to say about this team.
Until next time, DO NOT stick your hand into your snow blower. If you do, you will lose part of your finger like my brother-in-law Snick. Be safe out there Midwesterner’s.