Outfielders –
Geoff Jenkins (1998-2007)
To say the very least, this outfield is pretty stacked. We’ve been blessed in Milwaukee with a lot of talented outfielders, so this might have been the longest discussion that didn’t go to a vote. We’ll start with what I’m sure is the most controversial pick in Jenks. I felt Geoff’s presence on the team was warranted because he represents an era in Brewers baseball that many would just as soon forget. But Jenkins was a solid offensive staple – batting .277 with 212 HR’s in 10 seasons – and a talented defender. He also personified that work-a-day attitude that so many Milwaukee fans admire. His time in Milwaukee may not remembered as the brightest days, but he certainly was one of the brightest stars.
Geoff Jenkins was really the only offensive threat we had on the team for an entire decade. Interesting fact about Geoff, he never broke the 100 RBI mark for a season and still managed to rack up over 700 RBI’s in his time with the Crew.
Gorman Thomas (1973-1983, ’86)
Stormin’ Gorman Thomas. He wasn’t a superstar per se, but don’t tell die-hard Brewer fans that. He was productive, powerful, great on defense, and all-around great character for the Crew. He led the AL in Home Runs twice, racking up 208 in his 11 seasons at County Stadium. You simply cannot talk about great Brewers without talking about Gorman.
Lou noted: Gorman Thomas was not just a ball player, but an icon for this team during the early 80’s. He spent 11 seasons in Milwaukee, racking up over 200 HR’s and 600 RBI’s.
Ryan Braun (2007-Present)
Of course Ryan Braun is on this team because his career stat line looks like this; .307 batting average, 128 HR’s. 420 RBI’s, and a .554 slugging percentage. Pretty impressive considering he has not even played 4 full seasons yet.
The Hebrew Hammer – which Ryan Braun may or may not accept as his official nickname – has by far and away the most potential of any Brewer player today, and possibly in the entire league. He’s already a perennial all-star, Rookie of the Year, and has 3 Silver Sluggers under this t-shirt – which he designs by the way. The guy’s a stud in the field, and a pretty good guy off the field as well. He is on this team because – at this point – could you imagine a team without him?