When it rains, it pours; Braun to have MRI on calf

There are so many terrific cliches that you can throw out to make the Brewers feel better about things right now.  When it rains it pours, the night is always darkest before the dawn, you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs, and Ryan Braun is having an MRI done today  in the midst of the worst slump of the season for the Crew.  Ok, that last one is not a cliche as much as it is a fact.

Early this morning it was announced that Brewers All-Star Ryan Braun would be out of the lineup for a fourth consecutive day.  Then as the morning progressed, the pretty blue Twitter bird informed me that Ryan was going to have an MRI on the calf that has kept him out the last few days.  Braun had told the medical staff that he was in more pain after a light workout yesterday.

The fan in me hopes this is nothing more than a precautionary measure, but the realist in me is scared that this is more serious than either Braun or the team has let on over the past few days.  This is the sort of injury that could keep him out until after teh All-Star game.  With how little we know about the extent of the injury, I would almost prefer that Ryan stay home and rest.  There is nothing to be gained by playing in the All-Star game.  The Brewers need him back and healthy for the start of the second-half of the season.

Yesterday the Brewers dropped their 7th game out of the last 8 they have played.  It was not pretty from the start.  Randy Wolf reverted back to the Wolf of seasons past, which is going to happen from time to time.  Randy gave up 7 runs in the first 3 innings and that was that.  This teams problem continues to be run production.  Brewers bats combined for 8 hits and only 3 runs.  This is an ongoing problem that does not look like it will fix itself.  Casey McGehee had 3 ground-outs yesterday and Yuni Betancourt went 0 for 3 again.  These two players are contributing nothing to this team offensively and it is time for a change.

Ok, this afternoon’s game is starting so I have to go.  Let’s keep those chin’s up Brewers fans.  This is not the time to lose faith.  If anything we need to be louder and more supportive.

Go Brewers!!!