A few fun things for you to read on “The Slowest Day In Sports”

     By now we all know about the Brewers acquiring  super-stud bullpen pitcher, Francisco Rodriguez from the Mets.  If you have not, please refer to this article, or this article.  Either one should fill you in on all you need to know.  Accept fo this one tiny piece of information.  The Mets will choose their “2 players to be named later” sometime between September 1st and the 15th.  The Mets will have 5 players to choose from, and according to Tom Haudricort none of them are top tier prospects.  So we can all breath easy about that. 

Today is deemed, by many, to be the slowest day in all of sports.  That being said, the Brewers have kept me pretty busy today.  So, I hardly find that to be true.  However, since there are no games tonight, I went ahead and found a few articles and clips that might be worth checking out on an evening such as this.  Let’s start with our own backyard.

     Paul Swaney over at Stadium Journey, just got done visiting the Nashville Sounds and Herschel Greer Stadium.  He wrote a very nice review on his experiences there.  He also told me that in August he plans to head over to Brevard County to see our beloved Manatees and the stadium they call home.

     Ben Berkon over at Fnasided’s Mets joint, Rising Apple,  has a look at who the Mets might get in return for K-Rod.  He has a list of 5 guys, 2 of them are not in the cards, Scooter Gennett is not on the table and I am positive that Tyler Thornburg is not one of the 5 choices.  Good article though.  Worth checking out. 

    Blaine Blontz over at Call to the Pen, gives a nice quick re-cap of the All-Star game last night.  Including AS MVP Prince Fielder.  Fielder was the first Brewer to hit a home run in an All-Star game…I only know that because John Buck said it 35-40 times over the course of the broadcast.

    This is a terrific video of one of Prince Fielder’s kids distracting him during  his press conference after the game last night. 

    Now this article could make your stomach churn.  Ray Guilfoyle over at SB Nation, wrote this article about Prince hinting at wanting to play for the Yankees next season.  As much as it pains me to say this…Ray might be on to something.

     And finally, Brewers beat writer Adam McCalvy wrote an article just moments ago about the Brewers inconsistent first half of the season.  This article does a nice job showing the passion Ryan Braun has for this team right now.  I like a little fire in my team captain. 

Ok, that should keep you occupied tonight.  Either that, or you could just watch re-runs of…everything.  Enjoy the rest of your hump day afternoon everyone.  We will talk tomorrow.

Go Brewers!!!