You can’t stop the Brewers, you can only hope to contain them

     Or at least that seems to be the case as of late.  By winning last nights game, on a walk-off single from Mark Kotsay, the Brewers have now gone 18-2 in their last 20 games.  Not to mention that they now hold a 7 game lead on the St. Louis Cardinals for the division crown.  (Do yourself a favor and watch this clip and watch the pitchers expression as the ball flies out of the stadium, priceless.) The Brewers have never held this large of a lead this late in a season…ever.  We are floating in completely uncharted waters right now.  And in all honesty, I am almost afraid to talk about it. 

In the past four games, the pitching staff has only allowed 2 runs.  During that same stretch the offense has only scored 8 runs.  All of a sudden the Brewers look like the 2010 Giants.  Winning tight games is what separates good teams from great teams.  At this moment, the Brewers are a great team.  Has anyone else noticed all of the love they are getting in the national media?  Maybe not, but out here on the west coast they are everywhere.  That triple play on Monday night did not hurt the national appeal.

This is absolutely awesome.  I have never had this feeling from the Brewers before.  The Packers have always filled my lust for supreme victory, but now I have both.  When I took over as the head writer of this site, I never in my wildest dreams thought that the season would go this way.  If you don’t believe me, just read any article from April, May, and most of June.  Our Milwaukee Brewers are playing like champions and I can not get enough.  If there was a Brewers network, I would probably stop going to work.  Being a fan is loving them through their ups and downs.  Over the past 28 years of my life it has been almost all downs.  What a change of pace to be on the ups for once.

Yo Gallardo pitched like it was a playoff game last night.  His stuff looked electric.  But, the thing I noticed the most about him last night.  Yo was never afraid to throw that fastball.  Whenever Gallardo gets roughed up, it is usually because he relies on his breaking stuff too much.  Last night, the Mexicutioner was grippin’ and rippin’.

On Monday, Brewers owner Mark Attanasio was asked about his plans to try and retain Prince Fielder.  Mark said he will do “everything we can” to keep him in Milwaukee.  In that same breath he mentioned the $15.5 million dollar contract they gave him for this season.  He finished his statement with, “Prince likes it here alot”.  Sorry Mark, I know you will do your best, but Scott Boras hates small market teams.  Prince may own the castle, but he does not have the keys.  I hate you Scott Boras.

     If you are not a lifetime subscriber to Maxim magazine, then I would recommend going to newsstands right away.  In the most recent issue, friend of the site, John Axford spends a day with some of the Maxim folks and blows a ton of their money.  Or, if you are cheap, just click here.  In other Axford news, another friend of the sight Shawn Anderson sent me this article .  Shawn runs the site Hall of Very Good and is also a contributor to the American Mustache Institute’s blog.

Sorry this got a little long winded. I’M JUST SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!  Tonight Greinke is on the hill, so let’s hope he can keep up his hot streak at Miller Park.

Go Brewers!!!!