The Cardinals will not lose…magic number still 3


In a very creepy piece of deja vu, the Cardinals look like the Brewers did back in August.  They are 14-5 this month.  This is a very bad thing.  I spent most of today trying to figure out what to write about.  Sadly, I already promised to break down Randy Wolf’s pre-playoff performance, so we are going to have a mash-up article today.

If you have not heard already, the Brewers lost last night by the score of 7-1.  Considering that the Brewers have dominated the Cubs all season, this final series of the season ended with a thud.

The Brewers are now 10-11 in the month of September.  While that is not ideal, it is better than I thought.  Last night we saw the same flat team we saw against the Cards and Phils September 5-11.  The team recorded 6 hits, but only 1 run against a pitcher they have owned in the past.  In Matt Garza’s previous two outing against the Brewers, he pitched 11+ innings and gave up 10 runs.  It was ugly, but I promised to be more positive, so this paragraph is ending…right now.

     As I did yesterday, I will be grading Randy Wolf on yesterday’s performance as we gear up for October.  All you have to do is look at the score to know that it was ugly.  Wolf’s final line read something like this: 6.0 IP, 10 H, 6 ER, 1 BB, and 5 SO.   Pre-Playoff Grade:  B-

     – There is one major factor playing into this grade, Wolf was hit by a pitch in his throwing arm.  From that point on his location completely evaporated.  Through 4 innings Wolf looked like the dominant pitcher we have seen the past 3 months.  I honestly believe that the Garza fastball to his wrist/elbow, threw of his location and velocity (which is already pretty low).   If he had performed this way without a beaning, his grade would be much lower.  In my humble opinion, I still believe that Wolf is the most solid pitcher in this rotation at the moment.  

     There is so much speculation this time of year about the awards given at the end of the season.  The largest of them being MVP honors.  Many sports “experts” seem to believe it will be between Matt Kemp and our very own Ryan Braun.  I want to very quickly weigh in on this and then be done with it. 

In today’s MLB, MVP does not necessarily mean the best player in the league.  Now it comes with layers.  It has been ages since the award was given to someone NOT on a winning ballclub.  That means, since Bud Selig is the commissioner, the award should come with an asterisk.  So, while I believe that Matt Kemp should win the award, I do not think he will.  Ryan Braun will win NL MVP because he plays on a (fingers crossed) division winning team.  I do not personally believe that the award should be this way.  It should go to the player who was the most valuable to his team, regardless of how many games they win. 

Ok, I do not want to talk about this topic anymore.  At least not until the awards are handed out.

As of this exact moment, the Cardinals and Mets game is not looking good for our boys.  Bottom of the 7th inning and the Cards have a 4-1 lead.  I do not think they are going to do us any favors.  So, the Brewers need to nut up and shut the door.  Most major sports outlets do not believe that the Cards will catch the Brewers, but that does not mean I want them in the playoffs either.  Should the Cards finish of this sweep of the Mets, they will find themselves just 1 game back of the Braves for the NL Wild Card.  Scary.  Very Scary.

On another scary note, the Marlins just took 2 of 3 games from the Braves.  The Florida Fish are looking to play spoiler everywhere they can, so Brew Crew nation needs to take them seriously.  Hopefully Gallardo and Greinke can take care of business in the always friendly confines of Miller Park.

Come on Mets!!  Go Brewers!!!!