Reminder: Live Game Blog Tomorrow on RtB

If you have never sat by your computer during one of Colin Bennett’s live blogs, tomorrow might be a pretty historic day to give it a try.  Over the past few months Colin has done a few of these and he has a great time interacting with his fellow Brewskies.  Should you be unable to spend the entire game checking our site, at least stop by and say hello and pledge your support for the Brew Crew.  The Game will start at around 8:30 pm CST for those of you in Brewdat Nation.  The pre-game chatter with Colin will start around 8 pm.

Be sure and stop in, Colin loves company.  Also be sure and check out this terrific article about current playoff roster rookie, Taylor Green.  It was written by our minor league site, Seedlings 2 Stars, suber-scribe Nathaniel Stoltz.  Great stuff, not a lot of fluff.  Read this and then comeback for all of the festivities tomorrow.  I have something special planned for tomorrow morning.  See you all there.