Well, I’m Glad I Blew That One!

Someone in the Twitter-verse jokingly called me a blow hard (you know who you are) after yesterday’s article.  All joking aside, that person is right.  You can all feel free to blast me with everything you have.  Some of you already started, so go nuts.  I am not afraid to admit that I am wrong and take the lashing that comes with it.  Just know, that in my heart of hearts, I genuinely thought that history would repeat itself.  My argument was never that Braun was not good enough or deserving of the award.  Luckily for Ryan Braun and Brewers nation, I am… just a big blow hard.

The experts got it right and picked the best player on the best team today.  My argument was never that Ryan Braun did not fit that bill.  I just thought that what Matt Kemp did this season was nothing short of spectacular, and every expert agreed.  So, I based my opinion on what I thought others would do.  That is all on me.

Let me take this opportunity to extend my sincerest congratulations to Ryan Braun.  As a fan, it’s an honor to watch him play.  He is our Mr. Clutch, Mr. Glove, and most importantly Mr. Big Play.  Ryan Braun is the 3rd Brewer to win the award, the other two guys are people you may have heard of (Rollie Fingers and Robin Yount…twice).  Colin really summed it up earlier today, so go check out his article.  He is a much better lyrical wordsmith than I am.

Congrats are also in order to Prince Fielder, who was third in the ablloting for MVP.  Truly one of the greatest duo’s to ever play the game together and I am sad that it has to end.

I would just like to take a minute to acknowledge that the season is “officially” over now.  What a way to end the season for Brewers fans.  For many of us, it was THE season.  There has never been it’s equal (to those of us born on, or before, 1982), so to see it end is sad.  However, it could not have ended on a highernote.  Sure a World Series would have been nice, but the Brewers have the league MVP on their team!!

This leads to a very serious question, how will teams treat Braun next year.  Without Fielder I suspect pitchers will be walking Brauny quite a bit more than they did this past season.  That will probably lead to some slightly decreased offensive numbers for Braun, but probably lead to
another Brewer having a better opportunity to be a super star.  I am talking about Rickie Weeks possiblybatting in the 4 spot.  We will be sure
and talk about this more leading up to pitchers and catchers reporting to campin roughly 3 months.

Anyway, I am so proud of what Ryan and the Brewers accomplished in 2011.  It was a season to measure all future successes and failures by.  My
only hope is that this is the first of several MVP awards for Ryan Braun.  Truly one of the best players in the game, and he will certainly go down as one of the best Brewers in history.  So, raise your glasses/and or coffee cups to the 2011 Brewers and their MVP, Ryan Braun.

Now, we are on to bigger and (hopefully) better things.