Brewers Injury Round-Up: Week 1

Well, I wish that there was not this much to write about.  Every season seems to start this way for the Brewers.  I won’t say they never have major injuries, but they seem to have a lot of players having  “few weekers” as opposed to “season enders”.  The fist week of spring has not been kind to the Brewers, but it certainly could have been worse.

Corey Hart‘s knee surgery will have him back by around the time the season starts, which is a miracle.  Last year, Zack Greinke only missed a few starts thanks to “The Dunk Heard ‘Round the World”.  Every season sees these type of things and in the end everything works out.  However, things can always get worse. 

That is why we are going to start every work week with a little wrap-up of Spring Training injuries.  Now, you can be sure to strike up witty water-cooler banter with your knowledge of the Brewers current injuries.  I wish my office had a water-cooler…if it did, I would probably be there 6 hours a day.  But, enough about how lazy I am, let’s check up on some early spring injuries and where they stand:

Corey Hart:  His knee surgery was successful.  Thankfully there was no major structural damage.  Word on the street is, he was just walking on some uneven pavement and felt a pop.  Could have happened to anyone.  Corey is very optimistic and thinks he will be back in time for Opening Day.  That is admirable, but this team has a lot of outfield depth.  Realistically, he will probably be back a few weeks after the season starts.  Don’t expect to see him play this Spring.  RR won’t rush him back since he does not have to.   

Juan Perez:  This is a breaking story from this morning.  Perez suffered a partially collapsed left lung.  The 33 year old pitcher was admitted to Maryvale Hospital.  This is unfortunate for Perez, who has impressed the pitching staff early this spring.  The south paw is expected to miss a full week of baseball activities.  His outlook is positive.  Hopefully there will be no long-term discomfort, because I imagine having lung pain as a pitcher would be unbearable.  I blame the dessert air… 

Nyjer Morgan:  Morgan was beaned in the head by Barry Zito on Saturday.  After the initial contact Morgan took his base, then played in the outfield in the bottom half of the 1st inning.  Then he was pulled from the game, where his brain was scanned.  Many things were learned, primarily…there is nothing wrong with his brain.  Captain Ron Ronenicke, had T-Plush ride the pine today…just in case that looping curve ball knocked something loose.  Now, I have seen the pitch…let’s just chalk it up too Barry Zito not being as good as he used to be.  This was not a malicious pitch, just a big hanging curve ball.  Morgan will not miss any serious time.

Shaun Marcum:  Shauny has been complaining about some shoulder tightness, but what else is new.  He threw each of the last two days, with no apparent set backs.  Marcum will be back…I don’t know…one of these days.  Just so long as he does not turn this minor discomfot into a torn muscle.  Take your time Marcum.  No rush dude.  Would rather keep you fresh and un-used, because over-use turns you into “Playoffs Shaun Marcum”.   No one wants that buddy…grow a mustache. 

 Brandon Kintzler:  Many of the writers on this site believe in Brandon Kintzler, but the news is not promising.  Tom Haudricourt reported that Kintzler experienced throwing discomfort on Friday.  Brandon had a screw inserted in his throwing forearm to correct a stress-fracture.  BK had this to say about his arm:

I have the same symptoms I had before the surgery.  In the bullpen, it felt amazing. I thought it was back to normal. Then I got on the mound and it was like I was back to square one.  I know my body and the things I can push through. I just hope it’s not as serious as it seems. They’re going to take X-rays and look for bone stuff.

That sounds all kind of nasty.  Might have to wait another year to see if Kintzler can be the bullpen stud that we all want him to be.  Very sad news.

Other than that, I guess everything is ok.  Mostly good news…well, I mean none of it is good news, but it’s the best kind of bad news (accept for Kintzler).  It’s like thinking you failed a test, then getting it back and seeing that you did fail it, just not by as bad as you thought you did.  Everyone would rather the team have NO injuries, but that is impossible.  So, I will take these.

On a side note, the prospect I have decided to follow this Spring (Daniel Meadows), hasas already appeared this spring…and we are going to talk all about him tomorrow.  So sleep on that.

Go Brewers!!!