Reviewing the Brew’s 2013 MLB Staff Predictions

Celebrate good times, come on? (Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports)

Opening Day is almost here. I repeat: Opening Day is almost here.

And with Opening Day comes the joyous time to make season predictions that will no doubt be completely wrong at the end of the year. Each writer here at Reviewing the Brew submitted their picks for division winners, Playoff predictions, and World Series winner solely for the purpose of humiliating ourselves come October. The winner receives nothing and the loser receives Brooks Conrad’s batting average through his first 29 at-bats with Milwaukee: zero, zip, zilch, nada.



OriolesBlue Jays


OriolesALDSRays over Tigers

Angels over JaysAngels over Indians

Blue Jays over TigersTigers over Angels

Blue Jays over AthleticsAngels over Blue Jays

Rays over TigersRays over Angels

Tigers over Blue JaysALCSAngels over RaysBlue Jays over AngelsTigers over Blue JaysAngels over RaysTigers over RaysNL EastNationalsNationalsNationalsNationalsNationalsNL CentralRedsRedsRedsCardinalsRedsNL WestGiantsGiantsGiantsDodgersDodgers NL Wild Cards*Braves





BravesNLDSNationals over Brewers

Giants over RedsNationals over Dodgers

Reds over GiantsNationals over Dodgers

Reds over GiantsNationals over Reds

Cardinals over DodgersNationals over Giants

Dodgers over RedsNLCSNationals over GiantsNationals over RedsReds over NationalsNationals over CardinalsDodgers over NationalsWorld SeriesNationals over Angels in 7Nationals over Blue Jays in 5Tigers over Reds in 6Nationals over Angels in 6Dodgers over Tigers in 6
