Milwaukee Brewers: Trent Clark Exits With Scary Injury


As the game against the Los Angeles Angels Rookie League team moved past the third inning nothing on the scoreboard seemed to matter anymore for the Milwaukee Brewers’ Rookie club. The greatest concern had shifted focus away from the game, and to the health and well-being of 2015 first round pick, Trent Clark. William Boor of tweeted that Clark left the game with a scary injury and was unable to leave the field on his own power after slamming hard into the centerfield wall.

Not only was Clark hurt, but Boor also reported that he remained down and needed help off of the field.

While not many more details have been released on the injury, Boor finally tweeted per a source that Clark was coherent and moving afterwords.

Later more good news of his health came from Brewers beat writer, Adam McCalvy via Twitter.

You never want to see an injury to any player, and with Clark this tough injury occurred in just the second game of his professional career. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Clark as we wish him a speedy recovery so that he can get back to playing the game that he loves.

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