Milwaukee Brewers: Join the official RtB fantasy baseball league!

MILWAUKEE, WI - APRIL 9: Mark Notz of Des Moines, Iowa plays catch in the parking lot of Miller Park with friend Phil Kaplan before the opening day game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Houston Astros on April 9, 2004 at Miller Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)
MILWAUKEE, WI - APRIL 9: Mark Notz of Des Moines, Iowa plays catch in the parking lot of Miller Park with friend Phil Kaplan before the opening day game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Houston Astros on April 9, 2004 at Miller Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)

We already know that you’re a huge Milwaukee Brewers fan, but do you play fantasy baseball, too? Play against your favorite or least favorite Reviewing the Brew contributors in the official RtB fantasy league.

We’ve decided to do a writers vs. readers league for the 2018 season. Do you think you can best five other readers AND six writers in fantasy baseball. Get the details on how to apply below.

How can I join the league?

Contact us at rtbfantasybaseball at gmail dot com with your name, email address, and tell us in 200 words or less why we should choose you to join our fantasy league. We’re looking for folks who are creative enough to stand out in a paragraph, and willing to stay dedicated to a fantasy league for 162 games.

Wait a minute, what are the rules?

We’re going to play a 12-team weekly H2H mixed league format on Six league members are writers, and six will be readers. Remember, we said readers vs. writers, so the H2H format makes more sense for us.

What are the categories and positions?

We’ll do 6×6 scoring. OBP, SLG, home runs, stolen bases, runs scored, and RBIs are the offensive categories. Quality starts, ERA, WHIP, strikeouts, saves, and holds are the pitching categories.

We’ll do a standard one catcher, three outfielder setup with two utility spots, and two starting pitchers, two relievers, and four ‘pitcher’ slots.

Are there any weird rules?

Absolutely! Every team must have at least one ACTIVE Milwaukee Brewers player on their roster for weekly eligibility. No active Brewer? Points aren’t accumulated until you add one, but you do get 48 hours to work out a deal or sign a free agent.

For example, if you draft Ryan Braun early, you’re good. However, if he gets hurt and goes on the DL, you need to find a new Brewer in order to be eligible for the week. This is a Milwaukee Brewers fan site, after all. We wanted at least one weird rule to reflect that.

When’s the draft?

Woah, woah, woah. We don’t have a league yet! We’re doing a live draft, so we need everyone in attendance. However, if you’re not going to be around a computer during the evening in mid-March, you’ll get replaced.

Any rules or prizes?

FanSided doesn’t allow it. Although, we will guarantee that the winner will have a post dedicated to them that details their season-long dominance. A write-up that you can show to your friends. You would be foolish NOT to apply!

Next: Should the Brewers deal Aguilar, move Braun to first?

If you have any questions, please contact us at rtbfantasybaseball at gmail dot com to learn more or apply for membership.
