3 Possible paths the Brewers could take to address the pitching staff needs

The Brewers will need some help to get their pitching staff through the season
Milwaukee Brewers v Baltimore Orioles
Milwaukee Brewers v Baltimore Orioles / G Fiume/GettyImages
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The Milwaukee Brewers' pitching depth has faced Herculean levels of tests. They've dealt with trades, injuries, tough performances, walks, bad luck, and suspensions. The Brewers could use help in the starting rotation and bullpen.

There are three main options the Milwaukee Brewers can consider for the pitching to be at the level it needs to be for the rest of the 2024 season: wait it out, sign someone, or trade for someone. Each option comes with its own pros and cons, so which should they do?

Option 1: Wait it out

The Milwaukee Brewers could just stand pat, Colin Rea and Freddy Peralta are both candidates to bounce back from their previous appearances. DL Hall made a rehab appearance with the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers on Sunday and is on his way to Nashville to rehab with the Sounds and could be back with the Brewers soon.

Robert Gasser in his first two starts looks fantastic and has given the rotation and fanbase a boost.

Bryse Wilson has been pretty good as a starter despite some high walk totals. Even with the high walks, Wilson has given up just seven total runs in 25 innings pitched as a starter (2.52 ERA since moving to the rotation).

Joe Ross has been pretty decent in his last three starts totaling 16 innings, 11 hits, 12 strikeouts to just three walks, and has given up six earned runs. That totals out to a 3.38 ERA over those last three starts, certainly a livable number and one that can absolutely give the Brewers chances to win games.

Jakob Junis is eligible to come off the injured list on June 5th.

Tobias Myers has been up and down but was up in his most recent appearance for Milwaukee. Against the St. Louis Cardinals he pitched four innings, gave up three hits and struck out six. Myers did surrender four walks but similar to Wilson they didn't hurt on the scoreboard as he allowed just one run.

As far as the starting rotation is concerned, the Milwaukee Brewers are a couple bounce back appearances from Peralta and Rea away from being in decent shape with the reinforcements coming.

What does that mean for the bullpen that could also use some help so Pat Murphy doesn't have to trot out Mitch White in a two run game again?

With the aforementioned reinforcements coming to the starting rotation, it would also give the Brewers the ability to move Bryse Wilson back to the bullpen to his previously held middle/long relief role. Bradley Blalock has also been promoted from Double-A to help out and could start.

On the bullpen front, there could be reinforcements coming in the next two to three weeks there also. JB Bukauskas reportedly started playing catch on Friday according to Adam McCalvy and was fantastic before his injury (1.50 ERA in six appearances).

Also, offseason acquisition Taylor Clarke has begun rehabbing with AAA Nashville and has thrown five innings so far, so Clarke could be on the horizon to help the bullpen.

Lastly, fitting with his original timeline of around the All-Star break, Devin Williams is starting to play catch and is expected back in July.

With the reinforcements coming, the Milwaukee Brewers could certainly just look to tough it out with the guys they have for another couple of weeks until they're healthier.