Brewers legend Hank The Ballpark Pup has crossed the rainbow bridge

He was a very good boy
San Diego Padres v Milwaukee Brewers
San Diego Padres v Milwaukee Brewers | Christian Petersen/GettyImages

The pain of losing a family member is immeasurable. Brewers fans everywhere are feeling that pain as the team announced today that Hank the Ballpark Pup has passed away.

Hank was a stray that wandered into Brewers spring training back in 2014. He had a rough start to his life, living on the streets and was in rough shape when he found the Brewers. Brewers players took him in, helped nurse him back to health, and he went everywhere with the team that spring. He ran out to practice, was there at games, and was the biggest story of camp, winning over hearts everywhere.

The Brewers checked with local shelters to see if anyone would claim Hank as theirs, but he didn't have a home. Until he found the Brewers.

Following spring training, Brewers COO Marti Wronski officially adopted Hank. While there were a few public appearances in the early going, Hank has largely spent the last 10 years living his best life as a member of the Wronski household.

Named after Milwaukee legend Hank Aaron, the Brewers had Hank merchandise everywhere, Hank T-shirts, Hank bobbleheads, you name it. He was the biggest dog celebrity since Lassie. Hank even met his namesake, Hank Aaron.

While Hank was adopted by just one family, he was a member of the Brewers family and was loved by all. His loss is felt by all. There's comfort in knowing that Hank had such a long and fulfilling life doing just what dogs do, chasing scents, playing, eating treats, and just overall being adorable.

So many dogs don't end up as lucky as Hank did. From being a stray wandering the streets to not only becoming a celebrity, but more importantly, finding a loving home. It's a true rags to riches story.

For fans that want to honor Hank's life, the Brewers and Wronski family are encouraging donations to the Wisconsin Humane Society or the Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission.

Now Hank gets to play all day long at the big baseball field in the sky, and he can see his namesake Hank Aaron once again. He was a very good boy, the best some might say. Rest In Peace Hank.
